IMind soft

Author's software




Being tested

Colors in CalculationLaboratory

Constant Color Color RGB (красный, зеленный синий) Color Hex
color_AlizarinCrimson Alizarin red RGB(227, 38, 54) E32636
color_Amber Amber RGB(225, 191, 0) E1BF00
color_Amethyst Amethyst RGB(153, 102, 204) 9966CC
color_Asparagus Asparagus RGB(123, 160, 91) 7BA05B
color_Aqua Celadon RGB(0, 255, 255) 00FFFF
color_Aquamarine Aquamarine RGB(127, 255, 212) 7FFFD4
color_Azure Azure, Azure RGB(0, 127, 255) 007FFF
Beige, beige RGB(245, 245, 220) F5F5DC
color_Bistre Bistre RGB(61, 43, 31) 3D2B1F
color_Black Black RGB(0, 0, 0) 000000
color_Blue Blue RGB(0, 0, 255) 0000FF
color_BondiBlue The water of Bondi beach RGB(0, 149, 182) 0095B6
color_Brass Brass RGB(181, 166, 66) B5A642
color_BrightGreen Bright green RGB(102, 255, 0) 66FF00
color_BrightTurquoise Bright turquoise RGB(8, 232, 222) 08E8DE
color_BrightViolet Azure, Azure RGB(205, 0, 205) CD00CD
color_Bronze Bronze RGB(205, 127, 50) CD7F32
color_Brown Brown RGB(150, 75, 0) 964B00
color_Buff Buffalo leather, fawn RGB(240, 220, 130) F0DC82
color_Burgundy Burgundy RGB(128, 0, 32) 800020
color_BurntOrange Burnt orange RGB(204, 85, 0) CC5500
color_BurntSienna Burnt Sienna RGB(233, 116, 81) E97451
color_BurntUmber Brown, burnt umber RGB(138, 51, 36) 8A3324
color_CamouflageGreen Khaki RGB(120, 134, 107) 78866B
color_Cardinal Dark red, cardinal RGB(196, 30, 58) C41E3A
color_Carmine Carmine-red RGB(150, 0, 24) 960018
color_Carrot Carrot RGB(237, 145, 33) ED9121
color_Celadon Gray-green RGB(172, 225, 175) ACE1AF
color_Cerise Light cherry RGB(0, 127, 255) 007FFF
color_Cerulean Azure RGB(0, 123, 167) 007BA7
color_CeruleanBlue Azure-blue RGB(42, 82, 190) 2A52BE
color_Chartreuse Light green color, Chartreuse RGB(127, 255, 0) 7FFF00
color_Chestnut Chestnut RGB(205, 92, 92) CD5C5C
color_Chocolate Chocolate RGB(210, 105, 30) D2691E
color_Cinnamon Brown RGB(123, 63, 0) 7B3F00
color_Cobalt Cobalt blue RGB(0, 71, 171) 0047AB
color_Copper Copper RGB(184, 115, 51) B87333
color_Coral Coral, coral red RGB(255, 127, 80) FF7F50
color_Corn Corn RGB(251, 236, 93) FBEC5D
color_CornflowerBlue Cornflower RGB(100, 149, 239) 6495EF
Cream RGB(255, 253, 208) FFFDD0
color_Crimson Dark red, bloody, crimson RGB(220, 20, 60) DC143C
color_Cyan Cyan, cornflower blue RGB(0, 255, 255) 00FFFF
color_DarkBrown Dark brown RGB(101, 67, 33) 654321
color_DarkCerulean Dark azure RGB(8, 69, 126) 08457E
color_DarkChestnut Dark brown RGB(152, 105, 96) 986960
color_DarkCoral Dark coral RGB(205, 91, 69) CD5B45
color_DarkGoldenrod Dark Golden RGB(184, 134, 11) B8860B
color_DarkGreen Dark green RGB(1, 50, 32) 013220
color_DarkIndigo Dark Indigo, Indigo RGB(49, 0, 98) 310062
color_DarkKhaki Dark khaki, khaki RGB(189, 183, 107) BDB76B
color_DarkOlive Dark olive RGB(85, 104, 50) 556832
color_DarkPastelGreen Dark pastel green RGB(3, 192, 60) 03C03C
color_DarkPeach Dark peach RGB(255, 218, 185) FFDAB9
color_DarkPink Dark pink RGB(231, 84, 128) E75480
color_DarkSalmon Dark salmon RGB(233, 150, 122) E9967A
color_DarkScarlet Dark red RGB(86, 3, 25) 560319
color_DarkSlateGray Dark slate gray, slate-gray RGB(47, 79, 79) 2F4F4F
color_DarkSpringGreen Dark spring green RGB(23, 114, 69) 177245
color_DarkTan Dark yellow-brown RGB(145, 129, 81) 918151
color_DarkTangerine Dark tangerine RGB(255, 168, 18) FFA812
color_DarkTeaGreen Dark green tea RGB(186, 219, 173) BADBAD
color_DarkTurquoise Dark turquoise RGB(17, 96, 98) 116062
color_DarkViolet Deep purple color RGB(66, 49, 137) 423189
color_DeepSkyBlue Blue color RGB(0, 191, 255) 00BFFF
color_Denim Denim blue RGB(21, 96, 189) 1560BD
color_DodgerBlue Protective-blue RGB(30, 144, 255) 1E90FF
color_Emerald Emerald RGB(80, 200, 120) 50C878
color_Eggplant Aubergine RGB(153, 0, 102) 990066
color_FernGreen Fern green RGB(79, 121, 66) 4F7942
Linen RGB(238, 220, 130) EEDC82
color_Fuchsia Fuchsia RGB(255, 0, 255) FF00FF
color_Gamboge The gamboge RGB(228, 155, 15) E49B0F
color_Gold Gold RGB(255, 215, 0) FFD700
color_Goldenrod Golden birch RGB(218, 165, 32) DAA520
color_Gray Grey RGB(128, 128, 128) 808080
color_GrayAsparagus Gray asparagus RGB(70, 89, 69) 465945
color_GrayTeaGreen Green grey tea RGB(202, 218, 186) CADABA
color_Green Green RGB(0, 255, 0) 00FF00
color_GreenYellow Yellow-green RGB(173, 255, 47) ADFF2F
color_GradusBlue Blue Degrees RGB(0, 125, 255) 007DFF
color_Heliotrope Heliotrope RGB(223, 115, 255) DF73FF
color_HotPink Bright pink color RGB(252, 15, 192) FC0FC0
color_Indigo Indigo RGB(75, 0, 130) 4B0082
color_InternationalOrange International (signal) orange RGB(255, 79, 0) FF4F00
color_Jade Jade RGB(0, 168, 107) 00A86B
color_Khaki Khaki RGB(195, 176, 145) C3B091
Lavender, lavender-blue RGB(230, 230, 250) E6E6FA
Pink-lavender RGB(255, 240, 245) FFF0F5
color_Lemon Lemon RGB(253, 233, 16) FDE910
Lemon cream RGB(255, 250, 205) FFFACD
color_LightBrown Light brown RGB(205, 133, 63) CD853F
color_Lilac Lilac RGB(200, 162, 200) C8A2C8
color_Lime Lime RGB(204, 255, 0) CCFF00
Linen RGB(250, 240, 230) FAF0E6
color_Magenta Crimson, fuchsia RGB(255, 0, 255) FF00FF
color_Malachite Malachite green (malachite) RGB(11, 218, 81) 0BDA51
color_Maroon Maroon RGB(128, 0, 0) 800000
color_Mauve Mauve RGB(153, 51, 102) 993366
color_MidnightBlue Midnight blue RGB(0, 51, 102) 003366
color_MintGreen Mint green (mint) RGB(152, 255, 152) 98FF98
color_MountbattenPink Pink Mountbatten RGB(153, 122, 141) 997A8D
color_Mustard Mustard RGB(255, 219, 88) FFDB58
Navajo white RGB(255, 222, 173) FFDEAD
color_NavyBlue Dark blue RGB(0, 0, 128) 000080
color_Ochre Ochre RGB(204, 119, 34) CC7722
color_OldGold Old gold RGB(207, 181, 59) CFB53B
color_Olive Olive RGB(128, 128, 0) 808000
color_OliveDrab Pale olive RGB(107, 142, 35) 6B8E23
color_Orange Orange RGB(255, 165, 0) FFA500
color_Orchid Orchid RGB(218, 112, 214) DA70D6
color_PaleBlue Pale blue RGB(175, 238, 238) AFEEEE
color_PaleBrown Pale brown RGB(152, 118, 84) 987654
color_PaleCarmine Pale Carmine, Carmine RGB(175, 64, 53) AF4035
color_PaleChestnut Pale chestnut RGB(221, 173, 175) DDADAF
color_PaleCornflowerBlue Pale cornflower blue RGB(171, 205, 239) ABCDEF
color_PaleMagenta Pale purple RGB(249, 132, 229) F984E5
color_PaleMauve Pale mauve RGB(153, 102, 102) 996666
Pale pink RGB(250, 218, 221) FADADD
color_PaleRedViolet Purple RGB(219, 112, 147) DB7093
color_PaleSandyBrown Pale sand color RGB(218, 189, 171) DABDAB
Fawn RGB(240, 220, 130) F0DC82
Pang RGB(199, 252, 236) C7FCEC
Escape papaya RGB(255, 239, 213) FFEFD5
color_PastelGreen Pastel green RGB(119, 221, 119) 77DD77
Pastel pink RGB(255, 209, 220) FFD1DC
Peach RGB(255, 229, 180) FFE5B4
color_PeachOrange Orange-peach RGB(255, 204, 84) FFCC54
Yellow peach RGB(250, 233, 173) FAE9AD
Pear RGB(209, 226, 49) D1E231
Periwinkle RGB(204, 204, 255) CCCCFF
color_PersianBlue Persian blue RGB(102, 0, 255) 6600FF
color_PineGreen Pine green RGB(1, 121, 111) 01796F
Pink RGB(255, 192, 203) FFC0CB
color_PinkOrange Orange-pink RGB(255, 153, 102) FF9966
color_Plum Plum RGB(102, 0, 102) 660066
color_PowderBlue Powder blue RGB(0, 51, 153) 003399
color_Puce Reddish-brown, pink (OBS.), dark brown, flea RGB(204, 136, 153) CC8899
color_PrussianBlue Prussian blue RGB(0, 49, 83) 003153
color_Pumpkin Pumpkin RGB(255, 117, 24) FF7518
color_Purple Purple RGB(102, 0, 153) 660099
color_RawUmber Umbra RGB(115, 74, 18) 734A12
color_Red Red RGB(255, 0, 0) FF0000
color_RedViolet Purple-red RGB(199, 21, 133) C71585
color_RobinEggBlue Color eggs thrush RGB(0, 204, 204) 00CCCC
color_RoyalBlue Bright blue ("Royal blue") RGB(65, 105, 225) 4169E1
color_Russet Reddish-brown RGB(117, 90, 87) 755A57
color_Rust Rusty brown RGB(183, 65, 14) B7410E
color_SafetyOrange Signal orange RGB(255, 153, 0) FF9900
color_Saffron Saffron RGB(244, 196, 48) F4C430
color_Sapphire Sapphire RGB(8, 37, 103) 082567
color_Salmon Salmon RGB(255, 140, 105) FF8C69
color_SandyBrown Sand color RGB(244, 164, 96) F4A460
color_Sangria Sangria RGB(146, 0, 10) 92000A
color_Scarlet Bright red, scarlet RGB(255, 36, 0) FF2400
Yellow school bus RGB(255, 216, 0) FFD800
color_SeaGreen Green sea RGB(46, 139, 87) 2E8B57
Color sea foam RGB(255, 245, 238) FFF5EE
color_SelectiveYellow Sand color RGB(255, 186, 0) FFBA00
color_Sepia Sand color RGB(112, 66, 20) 704214
Silver RGB(192, 192, 192) C0C0C0
color_SlateGray Slate gray RGB(112, 128, 144) 708090
color_SpringGreen Green spring RGB(70, 180, 130) 46B482
color_SwampGreen Marsh RGB(172, 183, 142) ACB78E
color_Tan Tan color RGB(210, 180, 140) D2B48C
color_Tenne Krasnobor-orange RGB(205, 87, 0) CD5700
color_Tangerine Tangerine RGB(255, 204, 0) FFCC00
Green tea RGB(208, 240, 192) D0F0C0
color_Thistle Thistle RGB(216, 191, 216) D8BFD8
color_Turquoise Turquoise, turquoise RGB(48, 213, 200) 30D5C8
color_Titian Titian's RGB(213, 62, 7) D53E07
color_Ultramarine Ultramarine RGB(18, 10, 143) 120A8F
color_Vermilion Cinnabar RGB(255, 77, 0) FF4D00
color_Violet Purple RGB(139, 0, 255) 8B00FF
color_VioletEggplant Purple-eggplant RGB(153, 17, 153) 991199
color_Viridian Toxic green RGB(64, 130, 109) 40826D
Wheat RGB(245, 222, 179) F5DEB3
White RGB(255, 255, 255) FFFFFF
color_Wisteria Wisteria RGB(201, 160, 220) C9A0DC
Yellow RGB(255, 255, 0) FFFF00
The zinnwaldite RGB(235, 194, 175) EBC2AF


