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Sets the size of the matrix


setmatrixsize(matrix, x, y);

Sets the matrix size of the matrix with the sides x and y (matrix size).

When resizing the data matrix deleted.

The function for setting the size of a mathematical matrix takes two arguments: the number of rows and the number of columns. It is used to create a matrix of a certain size, which can be filled with numbers or floating point variables. The function allows you to set the dimensions of an arbitrary mathematical matrix, both rectangular and square in shape.

The use of this function in programming is very diverse. It can be used, for example, when working with linear algebra or in tasks related to processing arrays of numbers. Additionally, this feature can be useful in image processing algorithms or in software related to audio processing.

Using the function to set the size of the matrix in the program is as follows. As a rule, before using the function, you need to declare or allocate memory for a matrix with the specified size. Then, the function is called with the necessary arguments - the number of rows and columns. The function returns the created matrix with the specified size, which can be used for subsequent operations - filling in elements or processing.

Calling a function to set the size of a mathematical matrix may look like this:

matrix = creatematrix();

setmatrixsize(matrix, rows, columns);

Where matrix is the variable in which the created mathematical matrix will be stored, rows is a variable or value specifying the number of rows of the matrix, and columns is a variable or value specifying the number of columns of the matrix.

Thus, the function for setting the size of a mathematical matrix is a useful tool in programming and finds application in various fields that require working with matrices and their sizes.

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