IMind soft

Author's software




Being tested

Remove extra spaces at the beginning of the string

Writing functions:


Remove extra spaces and tabs (to beginning of line), otherwise returns the default value (if the value is not a string).

The ltrim function performs the task of removing unnecessary spaces and tabs before the beginning of each line. This not only improves the visual representation of the text, but also simplifies its further processing.

Before proceeding to delete unnecessary characters, the function checks whether there are such characters at the beginning of the lines. If so, it deletes each of them until it reaches the end of the line or the first non-whitespace character. This allows you to save all important data and not affect the content of the text in any way.

As a result, the ltrim function removing unnecessary spaces and tabs before the beginning of a line is an indispensable tool for anyone who works with text data and strives to improve and optimize it.
