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Calculation function values


calcvalues(func, value start, value finish, density, variable)


func - the function to calculate

value start value and value finish - the start and end point of the calculation

density - change step variable variable(which takes a string value and indicates the variable involved in the calculation)


The calcvalues function allows you to calculate multiple values of a mathematical function. You will need to specify the name of the variable for which the calculation will be performed, as well as determine the start and end points within which the calculations need to be performed. In addition, you should specify the step of changing the variable to determine the number of points for which the calculation will be performed.

In this function, we start from the starting point and gradually increase the value of the variable by the specified step. At each step, we calculate the value of the function for the current point and add it to the array of results. When the value of the variable reaches or exceeds the endpoint, the loop stops and we return an array of results.

Note that if there are definitely several variables in the function, then the function will return the value of the mathematical function, since it depends on the specific mathematical function that you want to calculate. However, you can use any suitable method to calculate the value of the function according to your requirements.

The calcvalues function can be used to calculate multiple values of a mathematical function.

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